If your university has provided you an access-key you can type in the access-key on any page in the input-field on top of the page. If you have got an access-link you can directly click on the link and start with the survey.

After clicking the button Submit your input is saved in the database and you will get access to the results with an extended key. Please keep this key confidental. The results are not made public. Everybody needs a key to look into the results. The survey is completely anonymous.

When using a results-key you have access to the results of a certain course. The results-key is longer than the access-key.

In the results is shown the average value for each question as green dot and the average value of all courses as empty circle. Additionally, for each scale item the percentage of answers in the course is shown. For open questions all comments about the course are listed.

For setting up a survey you need to register and login. With this tool it is very easy to set up a survey within minutes. For registered users only: Login and go to the menu-item My Survey -> Create Survey. There are 4 steps to set up a survey and distribute the access-keys.

  • In the first step you provide the name of the survey and paste a list of all questions together with the scales into a text area. There is a special syntax to provide the question, number of categories and scale items. Additionally, headlines and notes can be placed between the questions.
  • In the next step you will see a preview of the survey. You can go back to make changes.
  • In the third step you provide a list of all courses together with the email-adresses of the teaching persons. Please type in the text-field one course and one email-address per line separated by semicolon.
  • In step four you see the list of courses together with all email-adresses and you can make changes if necessary before all mails with access-keys are sent out. Please note that mails are sent only once for each course. If you add courses in step 3 you will see on step 4 only the added courses to which mails are sent out. This makes sure that only one valid key exists for each course.


Go to My Survey -> Create Survey, provide the name of the survey and paste a list of all questions into the text area - one question per line. How to determine type and scale of the questions is explained in the following.

Be sure not to use line-feeds within a question. However, the automatic wrapping of long lines in the textbox does not matter.

Question with scale

After the question provide the number of options and its labels separated by semicolon. If you provide only two labels, they are used as most left and most right label in the scale, respectively. A maximum of 8 options can be used. The option "no answer" will be added automatically.
Your question; 4; no; some; many; all
Your question; 6; very bad; very good

Question with comment as answer

To create a question that is answered with a comment, set the number of options to zero. You may use "text" instead of "0".
Your question; 0
Your question; text

Question with number as answer

To create a question that is answerd with a number, set the number of options to one. You may use "number" or "Zahl" instead of "1". You may additionally provide a minimum and a maximum to avoid useless input. Inputs outside the given interval are set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively.
Your question; 1
Your question; number
How many hours do you work per day; number; 0; 24

Questions of same type with same scale

If you provide nothing behind the question, the type and scale of the previous question is used.
Your question; 5; very bad; very good
Your question
Your question


Headlines may be put between the questions. To mark a line as headline put an asterix (*) before the first letter.
*This is a headline.


Notes with reduced font-size may be put between the questions. To mark a line as Note put an percent-sign (%) before the first letter.
%This is a Note.

Hidden answers

If the answers of a certain question should not be visible to all participants, put an and-sign (&) before the first letter of the question. The answers will be visible only to the administrator of the survey. They will be included in the exported Excel-files.
&Your question; 5; very bad; very good

To answer a survey you don't need to be registerd. For setting up a survey you need to register. For registration choose a unique username, which can be a nickname. We do not ask for your real name but we ask for your email-address to activate the account. This is just in case to trace back unlawful use of the service.

The password of your account will be saved encrypted. When you lost your password, we will send you a new one by email (Password forgotten).

Please provide the name of your university. It will be used in the headline of your survey.

After accepting the terms of use (Terms) and pressing the submit-button you will receive an email with an activation link. Press on this link in your email program and your account will be ready to use. You can now log in.

If you cross "Keep me logged in" on the login-page, we set a cookie in your browser that remembers the encrypted password and will log you in next time automatically. You may log out anytime and the cookie will be deleted.

For registered users only: Go to the menu item My Survey -> List Surveys. In the list you have access to all your Surveys.

With Open you get a list of all courses with the access-keys and link to the results.

With Add you can add courses to the survey.

With Modify you can make changes in the questionaire. Modify is only available as long as there are no answers of students.

With Copy you can use the questionaire as template for a new survey. It brings you to step 1 of the creation process.

For registered users only: As long as there are no answers of students you may modify the questions. Go to the page List surveys and press the button Modify in the list of surveys. You will be directed automatically to step 1 of the creation process, where you can modify your input. Be sure to use the button "Modify" otherwise you create a new survey. If you have sent already the keys by mail stop after step 2 otherwise continue with step 3 and 4.

For registered users only: To add additional courses to an existing survey go to the page List surveys and press the button Add in the list of surveys. You will be directed automatically to step 3 of the creation process, where you can add course-names and email-addresses.

When continuing to step 4 you will see that only the added courses are listet to send out additional mails with access-keys.

Anybody who identifies a comment that contains unlawful contents, defamation, infringement of personal rights or something like this, may contact the administrator of the survey. The corresponding email address is provided at the bottom of the result-page.

For registered users only: For all surveys you have created you are the only person, who can delete comments. Therefore you might be contacted by students or others with the request to delete a certain comment. Please decide if this is justified and in case delete the comment. For this propose go to the result-page with the comments and you will find links with "delete" and "undelete" for each comment. These links are visible only, if logged in as the user who has created the survey.

For registered users only: To provide maximal possible transparency you can have a look into the account data we have saved about you. Go to the menu-item My Account to see the data. The password is encrypted and can not be reconstructed from our database.

Privacy is very important to us. At LVEva nothing becomes public. We ask for as few data about you as possible. Data we have saved are necessary to handle everything safely and to protect the platform against misuse. Surveys can be answered only by students who have got an access-key. Results are protected with a save results-key. It is provided to the participants of the survey, the teaching person of a course and the administrator of the survey. Surveys can be set up only with registration including email verification. All data are located in highly secure data centers in Europe with daily backup. German data protection law applies. For full information see Privacy.